business messaging blog
Five mobile web design myths
Scott Navratil

Not too many years ago, if you designed a website for your business, you could be sure that everyone that viewed that website would have a similar experience. That’s because everyone who accessed your website would be doing so on a desktop computer or laptop. While screen sizes might vary slightly, the experience would be similar across different devices. Today that is no longer true. With the rapid advancement of mobile technology, there are now countless devices being used to access the internet. From tiny 4 inch smartphone screens to 7 inch mini tablets to 10 inch full-sized tablets. In the not-too distant future, wearable tech will add even more devices capable of browsing the internet such as glasses and watches. How people experience your website now varies depending on which device they use to access it. Rather than develop a separate website for each type of device, many businesses are turning to responsive design to solve this dilemma. Responsive design automatically optimizes your website according to the device being used to access it. Some business owners are still hesitant to invest in responsive design due to some common misconceptions. Here’s a look at five common myths about responsive design.

Responsive design is only for mobile devices

While it is true that responsive design came into being as a result of advances in mobile technology, responsive design also works with non-mobile devices. Responsive design will ensure that web page visitors are having the best possible experience even if they’re using a laptop or desktop.

Responsive design negatively impacts typography

Problems with typography, or how words appear on the screen, is often attributed to responsive design. However, the root of the problem is not in responsive design itself but rather font choice. Some fonts display poorly on certain devices. Responsive design that takes into consideration font choice can display the typography correctly on any device.

Content can’t be read properly with responsive design

This is an especially bizarre myth because they exact opposite is true. Responsive design will not cause content to be displayed improperly, rather it will make sure it is displayed in the best way possible for each type of device.

Responsive design slows down loading times

One of the most common reasons businesses steer clear of responsive design is slower loading times. People with experience in web design know that even a few more seconds of loading time can drastically affect the bounce rate in a negative way. Fortunately, responsive design has come a long way and there are ways to implement responsive design without negatively affecting load times.

Only content is repositioned with responsive design

Responsive design is more than simply scaling a website to fit various screen sizes. The design of the website itself has to change according to the type of device. Generally, mobile devices have a much simpler layout in order to make them more easily navigable.

Once you invest in mobile web design, it’s time to let your mobile customers know about it. If you have other mobile marketing channels such as text message marketing, use them to lead mobile customers to your website.


Chantel Fullilove

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