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Mobile marketing strategy ideas
Scott Navratil

Every marketer knows that mobile marketing is essential to reaching customers in this day and age. Technology is everywhere, and this is mostly due to accessibility with smartphones. It allows you to get your advertisements, literally, into the pockets of all your customers. But this strategy is being used by your competition as well. Here are some things you can do to really hone in on your mobile marketing strategy.

Don’t go overboard

With easy access to your customers, it can be very tempting to market to them all the time with constant advertising. And while consumers like knowing about deals and specials at your company, it can feel a little overwhelming if they are hearing from you every day. It is a huge mistake that can lead to customers actually unsubscribing from your email list and your text marketing. They will unlike you on social media, and stop shopping with you. As much as you need to be there reminding them to shop with you, it’s also important that you give them some room to breath.

Personalize your strategy to your market

The first thing any business should do when putting together a marketing strategy is to determine your audience. From there, you can start researching what your audience likes and doesn’t like in order to figure out what you need to do. Your mobile marketing strategy is highly dependant on your audience’s needs, and it will change greatly depending on your customers. A vegan company is going to market to their audience very differently than a hamburger joint. Since the audiences value different things, your marketing department needs to focus on those values.

It isn’t just your audience that determines your strategy though. You should also consider your business and what is important to your company. A company that uses profits to build wells in Africa for clean drinking water is going to have a completely different marketing strategy than regular businesses. Most of the marketing is going to be about reminding people of your purpose, whereas a traditional business would focus on the positives of their products.

Use mobile as marketing support

Marketing isn’t about just one thing anymore. It is about a combined effort of different advertising methods that make for an overall marketing effort. Mobile marketing isn’t your only way of communicating with an advertising to your customers. It should be considered a support to everything else you are doing. Yes, text your customers updates and allow for them to text your customers service department questions. And yes, run the email campaigns. But don’t forget to run social media ads and do location-based advertising as well. It is the combination of efforts that will truly create marketing success.

Chantel Fullilove

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