business messaging blog
Using digital media: start with texting
Scott Navratil

There are many opportunities for you to grow your business and increase the number of customers that show up every day. Unfortunately, many of these things take a great deal of talent with computers and the internet. You can’t get away with just advertising in the newspaper or putting up a billboard anymore. It is all about social media.

Try out digital marketing

The best way to communicate with your customers is through digital marketing, though few companies have actually figured out how to stay in constant communication with their customers. According to the Guardian, many of these companies need to get on board with the new technology if they are going to keep up and stay competitive.

Part of the problem, the Guardian points out, is that upper management does not understand how increased blog readers or how more followers on Twitter could equate to sales. It is important to understand that the more people who are following your company, the more valuable your company seems, whether to potential customers or to Google.

The other issue is ranking high on Google when people are searching for your business or similar businesses. Most people won’t look past the first few listings on Google for what they want, and they most certainly won’t look to the second page. Having a great blog following and social media interaction is a perfect way to boost those ratings.

Digital media is also the perfect way to stay in constant communication with your customers. You can help them and make sure there are no problems by staying on top of it. You will end up with the best customer service if you can just keep communication lines open.

An easy way to get started

If you are a small business looking to get into the digital media advertising gig, you may want to start with texting. Your customers will be happy to sign up to receive your texts because it means they will always know what is going on. They want the coupons you send out and want to know if there is anything new. One thing people like is to be in the know. If you can get your texting system setup, so you can easily communicate with customers through phones, you will have a great start.


The Guardian

Chantel Fullilove

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