business messaging blog
Why your business needs to incorporate video into its mobile marketing strategy
Scott Navratil

Though producing video content isn’t exclusively a mobile marketing channel, it is inseparably connected with mobile. In 2015, the total watch time of YouTube videos on mobile surpassed the total watch time of YouTube videos on desktop computers for the first time. With each year, the gap increases. Add to that the number of mobile exclusive video content apps and you begin to see why producing high quality video content is so important to a mobile campaign. Here are a few more video content statistics that might convince you.

  • Every day on Facebook, more than 8 billion videos are watched, adding up to more than 100 million hours.
  • Even more videos are viewed on Snapchat daily–more than 10 billion.
  • Nearly half of all social media users will spend more than an hour in any given week watching video content on social media platforms.
  • Every single day, more than half a billion people watch at least one video on Facebook.
  • More than half a billion hours are spent watching YouTube videos every single day.
  • Consumers are four times as likely to wach video content about a product as they are to read about that same product.
  • Videos are shared on social media 12 times as often as links and text-based posts combined.
  • Blogs that contain at least one video will get more than 40% more web traffic than blog articles that contain no video content.
  • Nearly two-thirds (66%) of customers report being more likely to purchase something if they watch a video about it first.
  • Because search engine algorithms prioritize video content, landing pages that contain a video are 53% more likely to show up on the first page of search results.
  • Nearly 50% of people report actively searching for video content about a product before making a purchase.
  • By the year 2020, 80% of all internet usage will be spent watching video content.
  • Links to video content in emails are 2-3 times as likely to be clicked on as links to non-video content in emails.
  • Three-fourths of people who watch a product video from beginning to end will visit the company’s website afterward.
  • People spend 260% more time on web pages with video content as opposed to pages without video content.
  • Approximately 85% of the videos viewed on Facebook are watched without any sound so it’s vital that video content have captions.
  • Approximately 92% of people who view video content online regularly share video content with their friends and family on social media.

Though the SMS marketing channel is limited just 160 characters per message, a text can serve as a portal to video content thanks to embedded links. Since the SMS channel enjoys a click-through rate of about 36%, more than a third of your SMS opt-ins will watch video that you create and send to them. It’s a great way to generate excitement about new products or services and to convert that excitement into sales.

Chantel Fullilove

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