Business Texting Best Practices

Customer Service Texting

Marketing and Customer Service: Working in Sync

Large businesses and small businesses will inherently have different problems, and one that a large business may face is that communication between different departments is often lacking. You keep each team separated in their own functions and ask for information to be spread when necessary. This can be a huge problem in the marketing and …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Demands for Customer Service are Increasing

Customer service used to be pretty set in stone and easy to manage. A phone call to your company would take care of any issues a customer had. They didn’t care how long they had to wait on hold because they needed to get their issues resolved and there was really no other way to …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

AI Chatbots to become customer service norm

There’s nothing worse than knowing you are going to have to set aside time in your busy schedule to call a 1-800 number. It requires that you find time in your day, typically during business hours, where you aren’t busy with work, kids, or anything else. And the worst part is that you typically have …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Providing the best customer experience

Every company’s ultimate goal is to retain customers and bring in new ones, especially if it is through word of mouth. That is truly the most effective way of getting the word out for most companies. Customer service representatives are on the front lines and interact with your customer more than anything. They are, along …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Customer Service: 4 Tips to Boost Customer Satisfaction

Customer service is extremely important to every business because it is the way in which your business most comes into contact with your customers. It is, essentially, the face of your company. As a business owner, you want to make sure you are doing everything in your power to keep customers happy. A happy customer …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

How to Lose a Customer in 8 Ways

Keeping a current customer is extremely valuable given that a happy customer will often refer their friends and will keep coming back for more. So, it is very important that your company is doing everything you can to keep your customers and take good care of them. And if you are marketing to Millennials, remember …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Social Media Integrated Customer Service

Customer service is one of the key parts of every business. And as technology is progressing, there are more ways than ever to reach out to your customers and get them the information they need. Social media has provided many outlets for companies to communicate. This is great because it means that you can help …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Banks see huge increase in app usage

Apps are really important for some businesses and a waste of space for others. Figuring out whether or not your company should put the time and money into developing an app is really important. Even the purpose of a business’ app will vary from company to company. All banks should have apps to allow customer …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

How to Avoid Modern Customer Service Mistakes

Over the years, customer service has changed drastically, which has partly been because of technological advancements but partly because businesses have changed what they value most. But is modern day customer service costing you business? Here are a few ways you can avoid modern customer service mistakes. How modern customer service is sacrificed It used …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

How to avoid modern customer service mistakes

Over the years, customer service has changed drastically, which has partly been because of technological advancements but partly because businesses have changed what they value most. But is modern day customer service costing you business? Here are a few ways you can avoid modern customer service mistakes. How modern customer service is sacrificed It used …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Developing customer trust: A key to marketing

There are a lot of opportunities to get customers out there. Sometimes you are getting new customers who don’t have any knowledge of the industry while other times you are trying to steal from a competitor. No matter which of these you are currently working on, there is one important key to marketing that any …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Five mobile marketing tips for the holidays

Have you ever been shopping at a store and decided to pull out your smartphone and read customer reviews or check competitor’s prices. If you have, you’re not alone. In fact, 84% of consumers report using a mobile device to shop online while they’re shopping in a store. While every retailer is bound to lose …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Mobile to take over marketing in 2015

All businesses should start thinking about marketing and customer service for next year by now. It takes a good month or so to get a new marketing campaign underway, so it is important to start now if you want to find success in the new year. But what can you do to find more success …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Picking texting customer service over calls

Most people would much rather deal with computers in this day and age than real people because it is way faster to get the answer you need from a machine. Of course, customer service is still an essential part of every business model. How do you get the most out of your customer service? Well, …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

How to use mobile marketing during the holidays

One of the best times of year to up your marketing game is during the holiday season. As people are in the mood to buy stuff, you should be encouraging them towards your products as much as possible. You know your customers are all on mobile, but do you know how to market to them …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Airlines perfect personalized customer service

The most effective customer service is the kind where your customers feel as though they are special. In fact, what every company is really striving for is personalized customer service. Not only will it bring in more business, it will keep your current customers from checking out the competition. In a world with the internet, …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Don’t fall into the speed customer service trap

As a business, you are likely always trying to find ways to improve customer service to make it faster and more efficient. The more you can improve customer service, the more trust you’ll develop with your customer and the more they will come back for more. On top of that, great customer service leads to …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Improving social media customer service

Customer service is the most essential part of every business. You have to have good customer service to bring in new customers and to keep the ones you already have. There are a bunch of different ways to serve your customers including through your website, on the phone, through texting, and through social media. Here …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Six ways to reach “generation Y” customers

As a business owner, you know the importance of reaching the rising generation. The success of most businesses hang on whether or not they can successful market themselves to “generation Y” customers. Here are a few tips for reaching this important audience. Traditional marketing doesn’t work Just because it worked ten years ago doesn’t mean …

Scott Navratil

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Customer Service Texting

Customer service: It’s about fixing the problem

There are proactive customer service techniques and reactive ones. Of course, proactive customer service includes things like marketing to your customers and reaching out to them to make sure they are doing well. When the store manager walks around the restaurant and asks everyone if their food tastes good, that is proactive customer service. Reactive, …

Scott Navratil

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